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Breastfeeding and Anxiety Tiredness (How to Reduce Stress)

Breastfeeding and Anxiety Tiredness (How to Reduce Stress): These 5 reasons increase stress in lactating women, learn tips to avoid it.

After the arrival of a new member in the house, where there is happiness on one side, the responsibilities and worries of the mother increase. Along with work, it takes a lot of hard work to bring up and bring up a child. This is very stressful for most new moms.

Most of the women who become mothers for the first time are seen worried about breast feeding. They have to face many situations like frequent feeding of the child, traveling with the child in public places and many times getting upset due to the child not drinking milk easily.

Therefore, the stress associated with breast feeding often takes a toll on the health of new mothers. The effect of this stress also affects the quantity and quality of milk produced in the breast of a woman.

Breastfeeding and Anxiety Tiredness (How to Reduce Stress)

If you are also facing any such problem, then Dr. Ranjana Bakan, Gynaecologist, Columbia Asia Hospital Learn from us how this stress affects your health and how you can avoid it.

According to Dr. Ranjana, stress affects both the production and ejection of breast milk. According to research, taking stress reduces the release of oxytocin.

As stress increases, the amount of oxytocin decreases. Then due to this the quantity of milk also decreases. This stress also causes lactogenesis. What is lactogenesis, you might wonder?

So let us tell you that after making milk, it is an action that runs the process of its release smoothly. That is, by taking more stress, not only less milk is produced in the breast, but the milk produced also does not come down properly.

Common reasons for increased stress in lactating women (While Breastfeeding)

1. Breast feeding anxiety

As a new mother, you may be surrounded by a lot of doubts and insecurities while trying to breastfeed . Like- 'Will this milk be right for the child' or 'Will I be able to breastfeed the child properly' or sometimes it also happens that friends or relatives give you some advice, due to which you also suffer from anxiety.

Can get clogged and this affects breastfeeding. This can be a result of not being able to make enough milk for the baby and different suggestions from family members.

2. Changes in hormones

During and after pregnancy, the hormones in the body keep on changing rapidly. Your hormones drop drastically in the 24 hours after the baby is born. Due to this also you may have to face stress or depression.

3. Due to restlessness in the body

There is a lot of pain associated with pregnancy and this pain continues even after delivery. Like pain in nipples, mastitis etc. During this, women have to face a lot of pain and stress due to this pain.

4. Child's mood

Many children are such that they keep crying again and again and their mood affects the mood of the mother. Because she cannot find out the reason why the child is crying. Due to this also there can be more stress.

5. Get less sleep

You may be getting very little sleep because of the baby. The baby may even wake you up all night at night. In this, the worry of changing the baby's diaper and the worry of feeding the baby can also increase your stress because you get very little rest.

Tips for Stress Relief While Breastfeeding

  • Whenever you get tired while handling the child, then give the child to your husband or any other member so that you can get some rest.
  • Take a deep breath so that you can calm down a bit. For this you can use yoga or meditation techniques.
  • Exercise for some time so that your mood can be good on its own.
  • Listen to music to uplift your mood.
  • Get professional advice.
  • Do not use electronic devices daily and try to spend less time with them.

If you follow all these tips and take care of your child as well as yourself, then your mood will also be good and your stress will also reduce. The biggest thing is that even breast feeding will not be affected.

Breastfeeding: Stress Affects Milk Production in Breastfeeding Moms

In today's time, stress has become an inseparable part of our life. Lactating mothers who are enjoying motherhood are bound to feel stressed by the responsibilities of the child. Experts believe that excessive stress in lactating mothers can lead to a decrease in milk production.

Due to this, the milk in them can end quickly. Although many studies also show that breastfeeding reduces stress. This is because the hormones the body releases when a woman breastfeeds can increase feelings of relaxation, affection and bonding.

If you are a breastfeeding mom, you need to know how stress can affect your breastfeeding process. On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week, Dr. Amit Gupta, Pediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, is telling what you should do.

Causes of Stress in Lactating Women

Breastfeeding mothers can suffer from stress due to many reasons. Stress can range from work-related stress to stress arising from the pregnancy process, as well as concerns about what will and won't be good for the baby. Let us find out how these stress factors can affect a breastfeeding mom:

Change in Body

Soon after pregnancy, a woman may experience sore nipples and swollen breasts. This can be a very bad experience for you. That's why the woman should go to the doctor and take medicine because this kind of discomfort or pain can also cause stress. 

If you are taking pain killers to reduce the pain, then it is okay, there is nothing wrong in it. Breastfeeding becomes more relaxing when you are not experiencing physical discomfort, and your body begins to focus on making and releasing breast milk rather than on pain.

Difficulties in Pregnancy

Sometimes women have to undergo C-section surgery because of pregnancy complications instead of natural delivery, which can lead to feelings of guilt, despair, and stress. So it is always important to be prepared for flexibility as it helps in dealing with difficulties.

Stress Associated with Open Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be very worrying and stressful in the beginning. This can be especially stressful if you are uncomfortable breastfeeding your baby in a public place. These fears are often greater in the beginning, but women become comfortable with time as they learn to step out of their comfort zones.

Having Problems Breastfeeding

Nipple soreness and your baby latching onto the nipple are some of the early breastfeeding problems that can be quite stressful. Learning about breastfeeding well in advance before pregnancy and after birth is key to overcoming stress.

Match the temperament of the child

The baby is easy to handle in the first few months as he sleeps and eats well during this time. But as they grow up, they cry more and sleep or eat less. This becomes troublesome and stressful for mothers who often have to compromise on their sleep and peace of mind to take care of their babies. In such a situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from your family members.

धन प्राप्ति के लिए मंत्र (अचूक उपाय)

How to Manage Stress (for Breastfeeding Women)

One thing you should keep in mind is that you cannot avoid suffering from stress. But you can work to reduce stress. There are many healthy ways to deal with it. You must learn skills to deal with your stress so that you can breastfeed your baby well.

Breastfeeding and Anxiety Tiredness (How to Reduce Stress)

The first step in this direction is to learn to take care of yourself before anyone else. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. This is tough to do when you are a new mom, but don't forget the fact that you will be able to focus on your baby when you feel good about yourself and are relaxed.

We hope you liked this article on Breastfeeding and Anxiety Tiredness and how to reduce stress for breastfeeding women. If you have any questions about any topic, we will be more than happy to answer your questions. You can write us your questions in the comment box.


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